IVOIRE FOUNDATION Sickle cell anaemia, Haematological Diseases, Clinic Building Project We believe to make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect, A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty. One of the most powerful tools for empowering individuals and communities is making certain that anyone have the right to receive a quality education, good training and better health care. There's no reason why children in inner cities or rural areas do not receive the same quality education or opportunities as those in suburbs or wealthy neighbourhoods. It's an honour and pleasure to be making changes in communities in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people that we are able to help. You can join too! Ivoire Foundation believe that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, everyone has a responsibility to act, and we all do better when we work together. our aim is to empowered each other, working on improving the lives of the people of the Ivory Coast and inspire others around the world. Kindly allow me to ask you to follow this page for me! Donate To Underprivileged Kids in Ivory Coast for Better Education. You can also be kind to share with your friends and network for better reach:- Donate To Underprivileged Kids in Ivory Coast for Better Education. I also wish you could love to be part of this ambitious grassroots charity, as a volunteer or a philanthropist, adviser or partner.?? Please, check it out if not bothered! Donate To Underprivileged Kids in Ivory Coast for Better Education. www.ivoire-foundation.org Kindness regards, Take Care, #charity #kindness #network #share #love Grace. You could also make changes in people's lives by donating on the link below! https://lnkd.in/dV2fNevG
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common inherited hemoglobinopathy in the west Africa, affecting about 100 000 individuals. Improvements in childhood mortality attributed to universal new-born screening, Anti pneumococcal vaccination, antibiotic prophylaxis, and disease-specific treatments (e.g., blood transfusion and hydroxyurea) Can really help about 96% of children with SCD to reach adulthood. Approximately 20% of the SCD population in the Ivory Coast could reach the age of 18 years with this program. the burden of illness remains high. In the Ivory Coast Excess morbidity and mortality is tied to higher acute care utilization, hospitalization, and readmission rates, especially among patients 18 to 30 years of age. I almost Died when I was 20years of age. A recent modelling study showed a lower projected life expectancy (33-60). Data from the research I did in the ivory coast are even more concerning: recent estimates put the mean age at death at 43 years for women and 41 years for men with SCD.8 Adults living with SCD are often medically and socially complex and experience significant health disparities These individuals face multiple hurdles to attaining high-quality and continuous care across the lifespan. Upon entering adulthood, patients often lose their loved one from the lack of financial mean.