phase 2: civil works pump installation


Once the drilling team has been mobilized to the site, they search for an appropriate area to drill under the approval of the village committee. Each well is drilled to an average of 15 Meters below the aquifer level. After a sufficient depth has been reached a 4-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride casing is installed to protect the well from collapse and debris.

Once the rest of the system is in place, a temporary pump is placed over the well to monitor the water quality and output. If after one week it meets regulation, it will then be finished at the surface with a stainless-steel positive displacement hand pump and mounted on a concrete slab.

IVOIRE FOUNDATION believes in utilizing technology that suites the economic environment and will encourage the community’s self-reliance and determination. At this point, the primary pump system that we use is the Afridev Hand Pump. It has a life of 20 years and all replacement parts are easily found in rural areas at affordable costs.